


The Aim is to provide standard of care management to pediatric APML patients across the country, and to develop a national registry for childhood APML with well annotated clinical data base. Our goal is to steadily improve the survival and treatment outcomes for children and adolescents with APML and expand access to care.

Eligibility Criteria

● Inclusion Criteria:

Newly-diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML), age 0-19 years signed written informed consent (waiver of consent for retrospective cohort)

● Exclusion Criteria:

With respect to the primary purpose of the registry no exclusion criteria are specified.
Explicitly patients with unsuitability for intensive therapy, pre –induction deaths should also be recorded in the registry including patients who refuse treatment, for any reason.

Outcome Measures

The proposed study will be important for understanding regional, ethnic, gender and age differences in pediatric APML in our country, and to identify determinants of short and long term outcomes. Key challenges identified from the study can guide context specific and regionally relevant translational research to improve overall accessibility to treatment and facilitate adoption of standard practices.

SITE MAP with 3 Centres